

It’s 2023: The time to reset your investing approach is now

The Future Fund and a swathe of leading global investors are now lining up to advocate a new approach to investing suited to the prevailing and prospective conditions.

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Why Strategic Asset Allocation has a bleak outlook this decade

2022 has been a challenging year for investors. After more than three decades of falling interest rates, lowering inflation, economic growth and geopolitical stability, everything has changed. The confluence of factors behind the change point to a sustained cyclical change not seen since the 1970s.

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This latest market rally provides investors with an opportunity

The latest US CPI and PPI have come below consensus expectations, precipitating an equity market recovery. Is this the opportunity of a lifetime and the start of a new bull market after months of bear market pain?

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The Client Satisfaction Framework for Financial Advisers

Successful financial advisers require a rare mix of technical and interpersonal skills. A significant part of the client experience is created by how you structure engagement to ensure a positive client journey. One that is empathetic, informative, understood, and pinpoint-focused on their unique circumstances.

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Helping Investors Make the Right Choices in Challenging Times

All advisers know that difficult client conversations follow when market and economic conditions are most challenging. This article seeks to help advisers clarify their thought processes and approach to managing client decision-making in times of market turmoil. 

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Portfolio Management: Bucketing redefined to meet investor goals

Financial advisers often use a form of segmentation to match a portfolio to their clients' investment needs. Commonly called 'bucketing', its purpose is to segment and simplify investment components. Advisers and clients are familiar with risk profiling buckets such as balanced, growth, conservative, or single asset-class buckets such as cash, shares, or property.

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Portfolio Management in a High-inflation, High-interest rate environment

Managing portfolios in 2022 is a very different proposition for financial advisers. After decades of steadily falling and low inflation and interest rates, there has been a cyclical change to rising inflation and interest rates. The reasons for this are complex, but the bottom line is that the confluence of factors causing this regime change will likely persist. Therefore, the change is structural and will endure. You can learn more by watching the latest Lander Report.

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Why today's financial advisers must invest differently

Any examination of business or investment literature reveals the importance of differentiation. Why would people choose you over a competitor if you're the same as everyone else?

Today, the need for financial advisers to be different has never been greater. Or urgent.

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Smarter, faster, better. The benefits of adviser portfolio solutions

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines the word solution as: the action or process of solving a problem. Using this definition is a helpful way of assessing the benefit of the many investment solutions available to advisers today. Does what's on offer genuinely solve your business problem?

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Managed Portfolios that Put Advisers in Control

The superannuation and investment market is rapidly transitioning to Managed Accounts, with many also electing to use Managed Portfolio solutions as part of that transition. Funds in Managed Accounts are now estimated to be over $145B*. It's for good reason. Increasing client awareness and the rising costs of compliance reducing adviser margins demand new ways to satisfy clients and drive business efficiency.

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