

Portfolio Manager Commentary: May 2023

By Jerome Lander | Jun 20, 2023 12:04:41 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had mixed performances in our portfolios in May. We continue to emphasize genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping equity weightings low ahead of a possible hard landing in the economy and equity markets, given the significant risk of this occurring. History backs our position. Chasing markets and investing too fully in risk assets at this stage of the economic cycle – as we believe many are doing - is fraught with risk and it’s likely they won’t be able to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns when the opportunity arises.   There is noticeable market crowding again in large global technology names based on the exciting AI theme, which may lead index-like investors to significant disappointment as the year progresses as these stocks appear to have run ahead of earnings delivery.

Real economic and earnings growth will likely become weaker given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession or softening economy at the very least. This may begin to be priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag. Given the macroeconomic backdrop, this would likely provide an outstanding opportunity for our portfolios to shine over the next year and two.

Given our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by other investment managers. Precious metals tend to do very well in recessions comparatively. We believe that the coming years will provide significant opportunity for us to benefit from our positioning in real assets and our investors will be rewarded for sticking with our fundamentals based approach at this important time.

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter term time periods than our longer duration portfolios –being designed for shorter term liquidity needs. Higher cash rates have significantly improved the prospective returns and relative risk/return outlook for these portfolios. Short-Term in particular may be attractive to some investors who are wanting to be very defensive with their longer-term money.

Our more medium and longer term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back various risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. We do however remain relatively conservatively positioned in these portfolios for now given prominent equity market risks but believe that the outlook for the stocks we do hold and our commodity positions over the medium term to be excellent. In particular, many commodities appear to be likely to suffer from undersupply in coming years unless a recession is very protracted (a protracted recession is unlikely in our view given likely policy settings should a recession occur). In contrast, some stocks such as current market darlings in AI, are priced for perfection today and we are avoiding them in contrast to most of the market which is chasing them ever higher in price.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons and in reasonably priced assets. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers which tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, and past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions).

We are better diversified than many other investment managers because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long term real productivity growth for much of the world economy, although AI may provide some relief and competitive benefits for some businesses over time.

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. We expect precious metals to do very well comparatively in recession and are maintaining our meaningful positions for this reason.

Over the last year we have increased our positioning in high quality credit, bond and cash as we want to provide relative protection in the (not unlikely) event of a hard-economic landing - rather than the goldilocks scenario that the market is currently pricing and which is possible but unlikely historically given central banks fight against inflation. Over time we expect volatile inflation outcomes will better serve our more diversified portfolio’s positioning - including our real asset and commodity positioning – than the more narrow and less differentiated traditional portfolios. The latter is much more dependent currently on equity performance alone outperforming historical comparisons, which while possible is a gamble.

We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk aware in an ever changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: April 2023

By Jerome Lander | May 18, 2023 8:16:06 AM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had good performances again in all of our portfolios in April. We continue to demonstrate lower volatility in our portfolios than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning balanced. Investing too fully in risk assets at this stage of the economic cycle – as we believe many are doing - is fraught with risk, and won’t be able to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns from dynamic asset allocation. There is noticeable market crowding again in large global technology names, which may lead index-like investors to significant disappointment as the year progresses.

Real economic and earnings growth will likely remain weak given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession or softening economy at the very least. This may begin to be priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag. Given the macroeconomic backdrop, this would likely provide an outstanding opportunity for our portfolios to shine over the next two years.

Given our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot and look at judiciously increasing traditional financial (mainstream equity and credit) exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. We believe that 2023 will be a year full of opportunity for us to tilt the portfolios favourably and thank our clients for sticking with us at this important time.

Our Cash-Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs. Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios, and they continue to perform well and in line with their benchmarks.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth-Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us the most leeway to back higher-risk assets based on our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in the coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given prominent market risks and short-term earnings outlooks.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased toward industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility), which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions. 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute and flexible, and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Economic Update: April 2023

By Jerome Lander | May 18, 2023 8:15:17 AM | Economic Update

The RBA paused the consecutive run of interest rate rises in April, leaving the cash rate at 3.60%. However, they left a hawkish bias in the statement, paving the way for more tightening to bring the inflation rate back into the 2-3% target range. AU3Y and AU10Y government bond yields ended 6bps and 4bps higher, respectively, at 3.00% for the AU3Y and 3.34% for the AU10Y yields. 

On the data front, the NAB Business Conditions survey showed ongoing strength with above-average conditions, and the March labour market data came in hotter than expected, with 53,000 new jobs added and the unemployment rate steady at 3.5%. Annualised inflation in Australia is still well-above target at 7.0%, but prices are beginning to moderate slightly. Headline inflation added 1.4% over the March quarter.

Short-term interest rate futures are starting to price in more pauses from the RBA in the near term. 90-day bank bill yields trade at 3.68% (implying a cash rate of 3.68% in 90 days), while the 180-day bank bills trade at 3.86%. Some investment banks are still predicting a peak cash rate of 4.10% later in the year, but market expectations are beginning to pull back. 

In the credit markets, the focus has shifted from the US regional banking crisis to the US corporate earnings for Q1. Results have been solid thus far, but most are emphasising caution and uncertainty in the months to come. Many are speculating that the regional banking crisis may not be completely resolved with First Republic Bank's issues heavily circulated in the finance media in recent days. 

  • Large-cap stocks are outperforming small-caps
  • US Q1 corporate earnings are solid so far, with a cautious outlook
  • M2 money supply declines while Gold breaks to new highs
  • Credit default swaps trade higher in the US on debt ceiling woes
  • Overall mixed data has led to mixed performance across assets

US Macro

US corporate earnings data is higher than the one-year averages, but many companies are revising outlooks lower for the remainder of the year. Stock price gains were also far lower for an earnings beat than in the previous four quarters, suggesting investor caution remains. The US debt ceiling woes continue to shake the market's confidence, with the CDS market trading to levels not seen since the GFC. 

US Growth

GDP in the US came in at 1.1% for Q1, which was far below the consensus of 2.0%, but this was not due to a decrease in consumer spending. PCE growth was 3.7% in Q1, up from 1.0% in Q4. Goods spending jumped 6.5%, and Services spending increased 2.3%. Annualised inflation ticked slightly lower to 5.0% and a 0.1% monthly increase. The March Core PCE ticked higher by 0.3%, which is the Fed's preferred inflation measure and is likely to keep the interest rate rises in the US coming in months to come. Personal savings rates in the US as a percentage of disposable income increased slightly to 5.1% in March from 4.8% in February, showing some concerns among consumers about an upcoming recession. 

US Equity Markets

Large-cap stocks outperformed small-caps on a total return basis in April, with the Dow Jones posting a 2.6% rise for the month, while the Russell 2000 fell 1.8%. The Nasdaq 100 gained modestly 0.5%, and the S&P500 lifted 1.6%. At the sector level, Energy, Consumer Staples, and Communications were the month's top performing, rising 3.6%, 3.3% and 3.8%, respectively. Consumer discretionary, Basic materials and Industrials were the worst-performing sectors in April.

M2 Money Supply and Gold

Gold is trading at all-time highs, while the M2 money supply is contracting for the first time after surging higher during the COVID pandemic. Government spending continues on an upward trajectory, corporate debt is rolling over on much higher interest rates, and homeowners with variable interest rates are seeing their repayments climb, all while banks are shoring up lending standards. These factors should encourage higher demand for US Dollars, which would typically be printed, but for the first time in history, we are seeing the money supply contract. The shortage could lead to an increase in defaults and potentially a recession, but with the current situation where the Fed is unlikely to ease policy in the near term, which is causing investors to pile into precious metals and commodities. 

The Months Ahead

The month of May begins with a US Fed meeting on the 3rd, where they are expected to raise interest rates by 25bps, bringing the cash rate to 5.25%. Other important economic data to watch are the CPI print in the middle of May, The Non-farm Payrolls and the GDP numbers to finish the month. The regional banking issues in the US will be closely watched as the FDIC tries to broker a deal for the First Republic Bank, and US corporate earnings will be another focal point in the weeks to come.

Economic Update: March 2023

By Jerome Lander | Apr 19, 2023 2:15:01 PM | Economic Update

A developing banking crisis caused volatility to spike in March, leading to a drop in short-term yields and new monetary policies to try and stabilise the market. The long end of the yield curve benefited from a flight to quality, while equity and credit markets were choppy but found support late in the month. The Australian bond market had a strong month and rose 3.16%, as measured by the Bloomberg AusBond Composite 0+ Yr Index.

Early in the month, the RBA raised the cash rate by 0.25% to 3.60%, indicating that more tightening was possible. However, the bank's tone was less hawkish than February's statement. Due to banking sector stress outside of Australia, there was a significant drop in yields which caused markets to rethink their views on monetary policy and growth. As a result, the AU3Y and AU10Y government bond yields fell by 66 bps and 55 bps to close the month at 2.94% and 3.30%, respectively.

Although offshore events dominated the headlines, the latest economic data showed that the economy grew by +0.5% in the December quarter– continuing growth. The NAB Business Survey, conducted over January and February, showed strong business conditions. The labour market rebounded significantly in February, showing a potential upswing in the March quarter. Inflation in Australia appears to have peaked towards the end of last year; the yearly rate in February was still well-above target rate at 6.8%.

Short-term interest rate futures traded in a wide range in March, resulting in markets transitioning from expecting further monetary tightening to now expecting a peak cash rate of 3.60% for this cycle. Futures markets are also pricing in the chance of a 0.25% cut in the cash rate by the end of the year. 90-day bank bill yields were slightly higher than the cash rate, ending at 3.72%, while 180-day bank bill yields reflected the change in monetary policy expectations, ending 14.5bps lower at 3.79%.

The banking crisis in the US spread quickly to Europe, affecting the credit markets as well. During a single weekend, three US regional banks collapsed and Credit Suisse had to be taken over by UBS, causing the most significant period of financial sector stress since the Global Financial Crisis. Although there was prompt regulatory and government intervention and support, certain debt and equity holders suffered significant losses.

Due to the fast rise of interest rates in recent months, traders and hedge funds are searching for and exploiting vulnerabilities, leaving investors uneasy and evaluating if this caution will lead to stricter lending standards, resulting in a credit crunch that could severely impact economic growth.

  • US equities had a solid consecutive quarter, with the S&P500 gaining +7.5% YTD
  • Interest rate volatility climbed to the highest level in 15 years
  • US regional bank stocks sold off heavily in March
  • The Federal Reserve is battling to juggle inflation and volatile markets
  • Oil markets surged on the back of an OPEC production cut

Capital markets experienced significant volatility in March due to the rapidly rising interest rate environment. Pressure on the banking system resulted in three regional banks closing down, Credit Suisse being taken over, government deposit guarantee plans being put in place, and the creation of a new lending facility for banks.

The stock market was largely mixed to close the month, but regional banks experienced the sharpest declines. The Regional Bank ETF (KRE) had its worst 3-day selloff since it began in 2006, dropping more than 27%. Its daily relative strength index (RSI), which measures momentum, reached a record low of 11.6. During this time, investors turned to safe investments like precious metals and large-cap growth, and defensive stocks. Small caps from almost all sectors (9 of 11) also had losses in March.

Volatility Index

Although there was significant volatility in certain areas of the stock market, particularly in banks, the VIX Index remained relatively stable. The index only reached a high of 26.52 in March and had three days where it closed above 25 before dropping below 19 at the end of the month.

US Equity Markets

In March, the Nasdaq 100 had the highest total return among major US indices at +9.5%. It had a great first quarter with a gain of +20.8%, its best since 2012. The S&P500 and Dow Jones Industrials also had strong monthly gains of +3.7% and +2.1%, respectively. The S&P 500 has gained +7.5% for the second consecutive quarter. Market statisticians have noted that historically if the S&P500 has gained more than +7% in Q1, it has never finished the full year lower. Out of the previous 23 instances of this occurring, there were two consecutive quarters where the gain exceeded +5%. One year later, the market finished higher 20 times with an average increase of +13.5%. However, the smaller cap S&P Midcap and Russell 2000 fell by 3.2% and 4.8%, respectively.

Equity Sector Performance

Sector performance differed significantly between large and small companies. Among the eleven sectors in the S&P 500, seven of the large-cap sectors showed growth, led by Technology and Communications. The Technology sector showed the most significant increase in Q1, mainly driven by the semiconductor industry, with the SOX Index having its most impressive quarter since June 2020 and its second-best quarter in 22 years. Utilities and Staples showed gains of +4.9% and +4.2%, respectively, while Financials declined by 9.6%. The Industrials sector is noteworthy since it is just under 3% away from 52-week highs.

US Interest Rates

The banking crisis caused a lot of volatility in the rates market. In March, the market was beginning to accept the Fed's plan of keeping rates high for a more extended period, but then suddenly changed its outlook and started to predict rate cuts as early as July. The November contract rate plummeted more than 185 basis points in only three trading sessions. Although rates have rebounded due to recent market stability and consistent inflation data, the chances of the first rate cut have been pushed back to September or November. Still, the situation could change quickly.

Oil Markets

Crude oil experienced a sharp drop in 2023, falling more than 16% YTD to its lowest point in 15 months. However, after a surge at the end of the month, it closed the month down only -1.8%. Oil markets jumped by around +8% over the weekend when OPEC+ made a surprise announcement of production cuts exceeding 1 million barrels of oil per day, led by Saudi Arabia with 500,000 barrels. The increase in energy prices is a problem not only for the Federal Reserve's efforts to control inflation but also for the Biden administration due to the fact that the Strategic Petroleum Reserve has decreased by 222 million barrels (from 594 million to 372 million) over the past 15 months since the start of 2022.

Precious Metals

The prices of precious metals increased, with spot gold and silver increasing by +7.8% and +15.2% YTD, respectively. Gold ended the month at $1,969, trading higher than its 2011 peak and only 6% away from reaching new all-time highs. In March, the US Dollar Index (DXY) dropped by -2.3%, marking its fifth decrease in the past six months.

The Months Ahead

The US Fed is facing a dilemma as stresses in the banking system have made it hard to balance price stability and financial stability. Recently, they increased rates by 25bp, making it a total of 19 rate hikes in the past year. Despite Chair Jerome Powell stating that the banking system is stable, he also mentioned that the committee is considering the real economic impact resulting from the stresses in the banking system through the lending channel. There is a 55% - 65% probability for a 25 basis point rate hike. However, there is increasing talk about the timing and speed of the Federal Reserve's rate cuts. According to their economic projections, they anticipate keeping rates around 5% until the end of 2023.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: March 2023

By Jerome Lander | Apr 18, 2023 3:06:38 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had good performances in all of our portfolios in March. We continue to demonstrate lower volatility in our portfolios than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we believe to be a risky market for investing too fully in risk assets.  

Real economic growth will likely remain weak given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession. We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. We aim to remain astute and flexible, and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 still sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact being priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for some precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot, as we have demonstrated in March, by taking advantage of opportunities as they arrive, and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. Currently, capital preservation and prudent diversification are most important in our view in what is a volatile and unreliable market month to month. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs.   Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher-risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given prominent market risks.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute and flexible, and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Economic Update: February 2023

By Jerome Lander | Mar 16, 2023 4:12:46 PM | Economic Update

February 2023 Summary:

  • Interest rate expectations turned higher once again
  • Employment was strong, while inflation remained sticky
  • Labour market data remained strong alongside inflation
  • US corporate earnings ticked lower for the first time since late 2020
  • Commodities sold off heavily in February with the Energy sector the hardest hit
  • Gold markets experienced a sharp sell-off during the month

In January, the stock market had a strong rally after the Federal Reserve's expectations to ease the rate trajectory. However, February brought an entirely different perspective; The Fed raised the benchmark rate by 25bps up to 4.75%, with further increases of 25bps anticipated in March and May as well. This created a shift from expecting rate cuts late in the year towards keeping them higher for longer - something that was not priced into markets previously. The terminal rate in the US has jumped to approximately 5.4%. This surge in rate expectations was mainly due to the impressive job numbers, with Change in Nonfarm Payrolls clocking a stunning +517K - way beyond the expected 189K figures. Average hourly earnings maintained its above-average 4.4% YoY, particularly within Leisure and Hospitality, which saw an incredible 7% gain.

After the hot jobs report, inflation data reported mostly in line with expected MoM readings, though services inflation stretches higher than usual. Prices for housing saw a dip as mortgage rates inched up, while commodities continued to drop lower. January's CPI registered 0.5%, which was equal to expectations and 6.4% YoY, outperforming predictions of 6.2%. 

In addition, the January PPI data was hotter than anticipated, with monthly growth of 0.7%, exceeding the expected 0.4%. The YoY results also outshone expectations, coming in at 6.0% compared to 5.4%. Similarly, underlying PCE figures were higher than forecasted too - recording an increase of 0.6% from last month and giving a YoY figure of 5.4%, versus a predicted 5%.


February was a month filled with economic data and FOMC rate decisions, as well as 4Q '22 earnings prints. This time around, the market responded positively to earnings surprises by rewarding those companies who posted higher-than-expected numbers with an average price increase of 1.1% over four days (above their 5-year average of 0.9%). On the other hand, any negative surprises weren't punished nearly as harshly; instead, seeing a decrease of just 0.6%, compared to its usual -2.2%.

US Equities:

For the month, large-cap growth stocks were the relative outperformers, with Nasdaq 100 only falling by -0.4% and the Russell 1000 Growth index dropping -1.2%. Large-cap value stocks took a harder hit as they dropped by -3.5%, while the Russell Microcap index fell -2.9%. The energy sector was notably weaker, dropping -7.1%, followed closely by REITs and Utilities, which decreased by -6.2% and -5.9%, respectively.   

US Earnings Data:

S&P 500 companies' Q4 earnings reports have proven to be underwhelming, with 96% of firms having revealed their results. Only 68% of companies reported higher-than-expected EPS, lower than the respective 5 and 10-year averages at 77%, and 73%. It's worth noting that the average EPS beat was about 1%, which is significantly less than the 5/10-year averages of 8.6%, and 6.4%. The Communications sector has been a major contributor to weak overall earnings figures; however, Consumer Discretionary outperformed expectations by considerable margins in comparison.

Mortgage Markets and Rates:

The US2Y/US10Y spread continued its inversion, closing out the month at -89bps. After staying relatively stable since 4Q '22, the yield of the US2Y bonds suddenly skyrocketed to a record high near 4.8%, while the US10Y bond yields stayed below their October '22 highs and eventually settled around 3.92%. During the month, mortgage rates in the US soared to around 6.8% for a 30-year fixed rate. The S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index (non-seasonally adjusted) observed an annual gain of 5.8% in December (3x average closing prices from October, November and December).

The Months Ahead:

March is full of noteworthy events, with the FOMC decision on the 22nd being one of them. The market anticipates a 25bp raise from the committee, but according to recent Federal Reserve minutes, some members favoured a 50bp increment during their February session. Two crucial data releases are slated; Nonfarm Payrolls numbers will be revealed on the 10th, while Consumer Price Index (CPI) follows suit approximately four days later - and don't forget that both were pleasantly surprised in February. Equities sold off sharply when bond yields rose in February, meaning bonds will continue to dictate equity prices in the short term.

Despite slipping out of the international spotlight, the conflict in Ukraine is still a dangerous reality that could very easily cause markets to crash if tensions continue to rise. To make matters worse, recent events such as China shooting down an alleged "spy balloon" have further strained relations between these two major powers. Any more issues on this front would wreak havoc with global trade activities.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: February 2023

By Jerome Lander | Mar 16, 2023 4:12:07 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had mixed performances in our portfolios in February among weak market returns for bonds, equities and commodities. We continue to demonstrate better capital preservation in recent months than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we still believe to be a risky market for investing too fully in risk assets.

We still continue to see that inflation is an issue over the medium term, while real economic growth will likely remain weak given current monetary policy settings. We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 still sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact being priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for some precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. Currently, capital preservation and prudent diversification are most important in our view in what is a volatile market month to month. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs.   Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher-risk assets on the basis of our insights and research while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given our outlook.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: January 2023

By Jerome Lander | Feb 17, 2023 9:21:56 AM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had gains in all portfolios along with stronger markets in January. We have demonstrated better capital preservation in recent months than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we still believe to be a risky and uncertain market for investing.  

We continue to believe that inflation is a lingering issue, while real economic growth will remain weak given monetary policy settings. We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 still sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact being priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot, and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. Currently, capital preservation and prudent diversification is most important in our view. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs.   Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher-risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given our outlook.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers which tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Economic Update: January 2023

By Jerome Lander | Feb 17, 2023 9:19:22 AM | Economic Update

January 2023 Summary

  • Cooling inflation data and China re-opening help drive equity rally in January
  • Nasdaq 100 posts best monthly performance in January since 2001
  • Corporate earnings in the US continue to cool off
  • The yield curve in the US remains inverted

US equities made a strong comeback in January following their disappointing results from 2022. A confluence of events generated optimism amongst investors, including inflation data that suggested a soft landing for the US economy instead of an extreme recession. Moreover, a weaker dollar and loosening trade restrictions between China and other countries contributed to more favourable business conditions, further bolstered by falling energy prices and lower corporate earnings expectations.

January proved to be a profitable month for the Nasdaq Composite, with its 10.7% gain being its highest since 2001 after falling by an impressive 32% in 2022. Not only did all major indices post positive returns during January, but they are now also trading above their 200-day moving averages - typically a display of market strength that may continue into February and beyond.

On a total-return basis, the Nasdaq 100 Index and Composite gained over 10.7%, the S&P 500 returned 6.3%, Dow advanced 2.9%, and Russell 2000 rose 9.7%. Consumer Discretionary, Technology, and Communications stocks that were laggards in 2022 saw significant gains in January.


In January, US Treasury yields weakened across the entire curve. The yield on the benchmark US10Y Treasury has decreased to 3.51%, falling from its October peak of 4.25%. More impressively, since November, the US30Y yield has remained below 4% and is currently sitting at 3.64%. Due in part to a strong equity market run this month so far, even the US2Y have seen yields decline, with rates now standing at 4.21%. Many parts of the curve are still inverted, which has been a recession predictor in the past.

Earnings commentary

A little over a third of the S&P 500 companies have reported their Q4 profits, with an unexpected 5% decline in comparison to the 3.2% decrease initially predicted. Profits are anticipated to remain subdued for both Q1 and Q2 by around 2-3%. However, there should be some respite from mid-year onwards as earnings growth is forecasted at 3.4%, along with revenue expansion estimated at 2.6%.

Bloomberg data reveals the average beat of earnings for this quarter was 2.83%, and sales increased a positive 1.06%. The rate of growth in earnings rose to 3.70%, with Utilities driving up sales growth by 7%. Energy, Industrials and Consumer Discretionary boomed with increases at 78%, 54% and 32%, respectively, while Materials crumbled at -43%, Communications slipped -15%, and Financial dropped -13%.


As the end of January approached, market volatility declined sharply as investors and the Federal Reserve aligned their projections for future interest rate rises. This can be seen in the CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), which dropped 11% over this period from 23.76 on January 3rd to a low of 17.97 intraday on January 27th before closing at 19 by month's end.

Oil Market

Oil prices have been on a downward trajectory for nearly eight months, with the exception of January, when it experienced an 8% surge from its early month lows. In March of 2022, WTI hit a 14-year high of $123.70; however, compared to last year's figures, oil is down 10% and overall 23% since that peak.

Gold Prices

The price of gold rose steadily over the past three months, trading to a high of nearly 7% in January before closing the month up 5.7%. However, since its peak at $2,050 in March 2022, Gold has declined by 5.9% from these levels.

US Dollar

For four months in a row, the US dollar edged lower due to speculations that central banks will reduce interest rate hikes as inflationary pressures start waning. The US Dollar Index dropped 1.35% in January and has fallen 10.5% from its September 2022 peak of $114.

Cryptocurrency Markets

Despite FTX's collapse causing ongoing uncertainty in the crypto space, volatility continues to be influenced by a range of factors. Inflationary pressures coupled with central bank policy have had an impact on prices - Bitcoin dropped over 60% in 2022; however, it rebounded at the start of 2023, rising 39% so far. These developments are mirrored across other equity markets.

The Months Ahead

On February 1st, the FOMC unveiled their target interest rate range. Investors focused on Chairman Powell's post-release interview in order to gain insight into inflation commentary, a higher for longer approach and if there is any potential for a rate reduction later this year. After the FOMC rate decision on February 1st, the January jobs report (2/3), CPI (2/14), retail sales (2/15) and producer price index (2/16). Since 1929, 80% of annual equity market returns have been positive after stock prices increased in January.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: December 2022

By Jerome Lander | Jan 25, 2023 3:10:22 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had a flat month in most of our longer-term portfolios in the face of weak markets in December, while our shorter-term portfolios made gains. This was a good result in part due to our conviction precious metals position (which is now being more widely adopted) and low equity weighting.  We have demonstrated better capital preservation in recent months than many, as we are emphasizing genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we still believe to be a risky and uncertain market for investing.  

We continue to believe that over the medium-term inflation pressures will remain volatile despite receding for now, while real economic growth will remain weak given a relative paucity of productive investment and large debt loads for many economies.  We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity.  We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk aware in an ever changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact on markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry.  We will remain fleet of foot, and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets.  Currently capital preservation and prudent diversification is most important in our view. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter term liquidity needs.    

Our more medium and longer term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer term time periods in mind.  The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation.  There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now given our outlook.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons.  This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed.  In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers which tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what hashappened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually.  We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long term real productivity growth for much of the world economy.  This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity.  The increasing risk of major conflicts give further credence to our concerns.  We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk aware in an ever changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of the volatility, uncertainty and fear to add value to the portfolios through time.


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