

Portfolio Manager Commentary: September 2023

By Jerome Lander | Oct 13, 2023 1:35:00 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had mixed performances in our portfolios in September in what was generally a very weak month for asset markets, including equities and bonds. Our short-end defensive portfolios held up well, as they are designed to, while longer-dated portfolios were more exposed to the broader markets, although held up relatively well.

We remain very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts – which we have regularly highlighted before the recent Middle East situation - gives further credence to our concerns. Real economic and earnings growth will likely become weaker given current monetary policy settings and likely result in a recession, or softening economy at the very least, late this year or early in 2024. This may begin to be priced into markets as financial market tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag. 

To this end, we continue to emphasise genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping equity weightings low, given the significant risk ahead of greater weakness in the economy and equity markets. Chasing markets and investing fully in highly priced risk assets ahead of high risk of recession – which appears to be the most common positioning - is fraught with risk and won’t position you to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns from buying in at lower levels. History backs our strategy and positioning. 

We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. We expect precious metals to do very well comparatively in recession, and geopolitical events are maintaining our meaningful positions for this reason.

Given the macroeconomic backdrop and our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. For example, precious metals tend to do very well in recessions and geopolitical events comparatively; uranium is fundamentally looking very strong and is less economically dependent. In particular, many commodities appear likely to suffer from undersupply in coming years unless a recession is very protracted (a protracted recession is very unlikely in our view, given likely policy reactions should a recession begin). In contrast, some mega cap stocks are priced optimistically today and are being treated as safe havens, perhaps mistakenly.

We believe that our approach of using Dynamic Asset Allocation and having flexibility within our mandates will provide significant opportunity in the coming years for investors to benefit from our approach and real asset selection, providing an outstanding opportunity for Dynamic Assets portfolios to shine over the next few years.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons and in reasonably priced assets. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased toward industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, and past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs. Higher cash rates have significantly improved the prospective returns and relative risk/return outlook for these portfolios, and they have provided highly competitive returns in recent times. Short-Term, in particular, may be attractive to some risk-averse investors, if suitable to their needs.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios manage risk and target returns with longer-term time periods in mind. Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back various risk assets based on our insights and research, while still prudently managing risk over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation and diversification. 

Broadly speaking, we remain relatively conservatively positioned in equities for now, given prominent market risks, but believe that the outlook for the stocks we do hold and our commodity positions over the medium term to be excellent. We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy, although AI may provide some relief and competitive benefits for some businesses over time. 

We work diligently on behalf of our investors to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time. Over the last year, we have increased our positioning in high-quality credit, bond and cash as we want to provide relative protection in the (not unlikely) event of a hard-economic landing - rather than the goldilocks scenario that the market is currently pricing and which is possible but unlikely historically given central banks fight against inflation. We have also identified outstanding value and expressed continuing confidence in select commodities such as uranium. 

Over time we expect volatile inflation outcomes will better serve our more diversified portfolio’s positioning - including our real asset and commodity positioning – than the narrower and less differentiated traditional portfolios. The latter is much more dependent currently on equity performance alone outperforming historical comparisons in volatile inflation and economic conditions, which is a gambit that need not overwhelming dominate a diversified portfolio’s outcomes, particularly when other assets are genuinely attractive. We continue to offer market leading defensive options in our shorter-term portfolios, for those preferring these, and competitive historical longer-term returns in all our portfolios (past performance is not a predictor of future performance, particularly currently). We also feel our time to shine more broadly across the portfolios is very close indeed. 

Portfolio Manager Commentary: August 2023

By Jerome Lander | Sep 12, 2023 3:56:11 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

Dynamic Asset had strong performances across all our portfolios in August in what was a weak month generally and for our competitors. This is further evidence our strategy of diversification and differentiated assets is achieving the desired outcomes.

We continue to emphasise genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping equity weightings low ahead of greater weakness in the economy and equity markets, given the significant risk of this occurring. History backs our position. Chasing markets and investing too fully in fully priced risk assets ahead of higher recession risk – which appears to be the most common positioning - is fraught with risk and won’t be able to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns from dynamic asset allocation.  

Real economic and earnings growth will likely become weaker given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession or softening economy at the very least late this year or early in 2024. This may begin to be priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag. Given the macroeconomic backdrop, this would likely provide an outstanding opportunity for Dynamic Asset’s portfolios to shine over the next year and two.

Given our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. Precious metals tend to do very well in recessions comparatively. Uranium is fundamentally looking very strong and is less economically dependent. We believe that the coming years will provide significant opportunity for us to benefit from our positioning in real assets like these.

Our Cash Plus portfolio remains defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is also relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods to help meet short-term liquidity needs or to simply protect capital.   Higher cash rates have significantly improved the prospective returns and relative risk/return outlook for these portfolios, which have provided competitive after-fee returns to less liquid and administratively challenging options such as term deposits.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back various risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation and diversification.

Generally speaking, we remain relatively conservatively positioned in equities, for now, given prominent market risks, but believe that the outlook for the stocks and commodity positions we hold to be excellent over the medium-term. In particular, many commodities that are facing significant increases in demand for the electrification of our energy systems appear likely to suffer from undersupply in coming years due to a lack of capital investment, ironically caused by the same groups that are calling for more electrification to protect the global environment.

The main challenge to a strongly positive outlook for commodities is a significant and very protracted recession, which is very unlikely in our view, given policy settings would likely be adjusted if that were to occur. Interestingly, this scenario would also allow us to take advantage of weaker equity markets and take advantage of any upswings that occur during the recovery phase. In contrast, much of the market, and many fund managers, are chasing some stocks, such as current market darlings in AI, which are priced for perfect outcomes to ever higher prices. Notwithstanding the long-term potential of AI, we believe this could end very badly for most investors in an economic downturn.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons and in reasonably priced assets. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers, who tend to be much more biased toward industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, and past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy, although AI may provide some relief and competitive benefits for some businesses over time. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. We expect precious metals to do very well comparatively in recession and are maintaining our meaningful positions for this reason.

We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Over the last year, we have increased our positioning in high-quality credit, bond and cash as we want to provide relative protection in the (not unlikely) event of a hard-economic landing - rather than the goldilocks scenario that the market is currently pricing and which is possible but unlikely historically given central banks fight against inflation. We have also identified outstanding value and expressed continuing confidence in select commodities such as uranium.

Over time, we expect volatile inflation outcomes will better serve our more diversified portfolio’s positioning - including our real asset and commodity positioning – than the narrower and less differentiated traditional portfolio. The latter is much more dependent currently on equity performance alone, outperforming historical comparisons in volatile inflation and economic conditions, which is a gambit that need not overwhelming dominate a diversified portfolio’s outcomes, particularly when other assets are genuinely attractive.

It feels like the time to shine for our approach to portfolio management is beginning, and we look forward to sharing the journey with you.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: July 2023

By Jerome Lander | Aug 14, 2023 4:34:08 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

There were strong performances across all of our portfolios in July. We continue to emphasise genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping equity weightings low ahead of greater weakness in the economy and equity markets, given the significant risk of this occurring. 

History backs our position. Chasing markets and investing too fully in fully priced risk assets ahead of higher recession risk – which appears to be the most common positioning - is fraught with risk and won’t be able to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns from dynamic asset allocation. There is noticeable market crowding again in large global technology names based on the ‘bubblish’ AI theme, which may lead index-like investors to significant disappointment as the year progresses, as these stocks appear to have run well ahead of earnings delivery. 

 Real economic and earnings growth will likely become weaker given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession or softening economy at the very least. This may begin to be priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag. Given the macroeconomic backdrop, this would likely provide an outstanding opportunity for Dynamic Asset’s portfolios to shine over the next year and two.

Given our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by other portfolio managers. Precious metals tend to do very well in recessions comparatively. We believe that the coming years will provide significant opportunity for us to benefit from our positioning in real assets.

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs. Higher cash rates have significantly improved the prospective returns and relative risk/return outlook for these portfolios, which have provided competitive returns. 

Our more medium and longer-term-orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back various risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation and diversification. We remain relatively conservatively positioned in stocks for now, given prominent market risks but believe that the outlook for the stocks we do hold and our commodity positions over the medium-term to be excellent. In particular, many commodities appear to be likely to suffer from undersupply in coming years unless a recession is very protracted, which is very unlikely in our view, given likely changes to policy settings should a recession occur. In contrast, some stocks, such as current market darlings in AI, are priced for perfection today, and we are avoiding them in contrast to most of the market, which is chasing them ever higher in price.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons and in reasonably priced assets. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased toward industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, and past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy, although AI may provide some relief and competitive benefits for some businesses over time. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts give further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. We expect precious metals to do very well comparatively in recession and are maintaining our meaningful positions for this reason.

We aim to remain astute and flexible, and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time. Over the last year, we have increased our positioning in high-quality credit, bond and cash as we want to provide relative protection in the (not unlikely) event of a hard-economic landing - rather than the goldilocks scenario that the market is currently pricing and which is possible but unlikely historically given central banks fight against inflation. Over time we expect volatile inflation outcomes will better serve our more diversified portfolio’s positioning - including our real asset and commodity positioning – than the narrower and less differentiated traditional portfolio. The latter is much more dependent currently on equity performance alone, outperforming historical comparisons, which, while possible is a gamble.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: June 2023

By Jerome Lander | Jul 18, 2023 3:36:56 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had mixed performances in our portfolios in June.  We continue to emphasise genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping equity weightings low ahead of greater weakness in the economy and equity markets, given the significant risk of this occurring.  History backs our position.  Chasing markets and investing too fully in fully priced risk assets ahead of higher recession risk – which appears to be the most common positioning - is fraught with risk and won’t be able to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns from dynamic asset allocation.   There is noticeable market crowding again in large global technology names based on the ‘bubblish’ AI theme, which may lead index-like investors to significant disappointment as the year progresses, as these stocks appear to have run well ahead of earnings delivery. 

Real economic and earnings growth will likely become weaker given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession or softening economy at the very least.  This may begin to be priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.  Given the macroeconomic backdrop, this would likely provide an outstanding opportunity for DAC’s portfolios to shine over the next year and two.

Given our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry.  Precious metals tend to do very well in recessions comparatively.  We believe that the coming years provide significant opportunity for us to benefit from our positioning in real assets.

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter term liquidity needs.   Higher cash rates have significantly improved the prospective returns and relative risk/return outlook for these portfolios and they have provided competitive returns.  Short-Term in particular may be attractive to some investors.

Our more medium and longer term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer term time periods in mind.  The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back various risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation and diversification.  We remain relatively conservatively positioned in stocks for now given prominent market risks but believe that the outlook for the stocks we do hold and our commodity positions over the medium term to be excellent.  In particular, many commodities appear to be likely to suffer from undersupply in coming years unless a recession is very protracted (a protracted recession is very unlikely in our view given likely policy settings should a recession occur). In contrast, some stocks such as current market darlings in AI, are priced for perfection today and we are avoiding them in contrast to most of the market which is chasing them ever higher in price.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons and in reasonably priced assets.  This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed.  In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers which tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, and past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually.  We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long term real productivity growth for much of the world economy, although AI may provide some relief and competitive benefits for some businesses over time. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity.  The increasing risk of major conflicts give further credence to our concerns.  We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies.  We expect precious metals to do very well comparatively in recession and are maintaining our meaningful positions for this reason.

We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk aware in an ever changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.  Over the last year we have increased our positioning in high quality credit, bond and cash as we want to provide relative protection in the (not unlikely) event of a hard-economic landing - rather than the goldilocks scenario that the market is currently pricing and which is possible but unlikely historically given central banks fight against inflation.  Over time we expect volatile inflation outcomes will better serve our more diversified portfolio’s positioning - including our real asset and commodity positioning – than the narrower and less differentiated traditional portfolio.  The latter is much more dependent currently on equity performance alone outperforming historical comparisons, which while possible is a gamble.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: May 2023

By Jerome Lander | Jun 20, 2023 12:04:41 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had mixed performances in our portfolios in May. We continue to emphasize genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping equity weightings low ahead of a possible hard landing in the economy and equity markets, given the significant risk of this occurring. History backs our position. Chasing markets and investing too fully in risk assets at this stage of the economic cycle – as we believe many are doing - is fraught with risk and it’s likely they won’t be able to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns when the opportunity arises.   There is noticeable market crowding again in large global technology names based on the exciting AI theme, which may lead index-like investors to significant disappointment as the year progresses as these stocks appear to have run ahead of earnings delivery.

Real economic and earnings growth will likely become weaker given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession or softening economy at the very least. This may begin to be priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag. Given the macroeconomic backdrop, this would likely provide an outstanding opportunity for our portfolios to shine over the next year and two.

Given our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by other investment managers. Precious metals tend to do very well in recessions comparatively. We believe that the coming years will provide significant opportunity for us to benefit from our positioning in real assets and our investors will be rewarded for sticking with our fundamentals based approach at this important time.

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter term time periods than our longer duration portfolios –being designed for shorter term liquidity needs. Higher cash rates have significantly improved the prospective returns and relative risk/return outlook for these portfolios. Short-Term in particular may be attractive to some investors who are wanting to be very defensive with their longer-term money.

Our more medium and longer term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back various risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. We do however remain relatively conservatively positioned in these portfolios for now given prominent equity market risks but believe that the outlook for the stocks we do hold and our commodity positions over the medium term to be excellent. In particular, many commodities appear to be likely to suffer from undersupply in coming years unless a recession is very protracted (a protracted recession is unlikely in our view given likely policy settings should a recession occur). In contrast, some stocks such as current market darlings in AI, are priced for perfection today and we are avoiding them in contrast to most of the market which is chasing them ever higher in price.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons and in reasonably priced assets. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers which tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, and past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions).

We are better diversified than many other investment managers because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long term real productivity growth for much of the world economy, although AI may provide some relief and competitive benefits for some businesses over time.

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. We expect precious metals to do very well comparatively in recession and are maintaining our meaningful positions for this reason.

Over the last year we have increased our positioning in high quality credit, bond and cash as we want to provide relative protection in the (not unlikely) event of a hard-economic landing - rather than the goldilocks scenario that the market is currently pricing and which is possible but unlikely historically given central banks fight against inflation. Over time we expect volatile inflation outcomes will better serve our more diversified portfolio’s positioning - including our real asset and commodity positioning – than the more narrow and less differentiated traditional portfolios. The latter is much more dependent currently on equity performance alone outperforming historical comparisons, which while possible is a gamble.

We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk aware in an ever changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: April 2023

By Jerome Lander | May 18, 2023 8:16:06 AM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had good performances again in all of our portfolios in April. We continue to demonstrate lower volatility in our portfolios than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning balanced. Investing too fully in risk assets at this stage of the economic cycle – as we believe many are doing - is fraught with risk, and won’t be able to take advantage of any market weakness to boost returns from dynamic asset allocation. There is noticeable market crowding again in large global technology names, which may lead index-like investors to significant disappointment as the year progresses.

Real economic and earnings growth will likely remain weak given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession or softening economy at the very least. This may begin to be priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag. Given the macroeconomic backdrop, this would likely provide an outstanding opportunity for our portfolios to shine over the next two years.

Given our medium-term outlook, we see the need for some alternatives, precious metals and other commodities in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot and look at judiciously increasing traditional financial (mainstream equity and credit) exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. We believe that 2023 will be a year full of opportunity for us to tilt the portfolios favourably and thank our clients for sticking with us at this important time.

Our Cash-Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs. Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios, and they continue to perform well and in line with their benchmarks.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth-Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us the most leeway to back higher-risk assets based on our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in the coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given prominent market risks and short-term earnings outlooks.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased toward industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility), which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions. 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute and flexible, and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: March 2023

By Jerome Lander | Apr 18, 2023 3:06:38 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had good performances in all of our portfolios in March. We continue to demonstrate lower volatility in our portfolios than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we believe to be a risky market for investing too fully in risk assets.  

Real economic growth will likely remain weak given current monetary policy settings and into a likely recession. We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. We aim to remain astute and flexible, and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 still sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact being priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for some precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot, as we have demonstrated in March, by taking advantage of opportunities as they arrive, and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. Currently, capital preservation and prudent diversification are most important in our view in what is a volatile and unreliable market month to month. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs.   Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher-risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given prominent market risks.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute and flexible, and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: February 2023

By Jerome Lander | Mar 16, 2023 4:12:07 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had mixed performances in our portfolios in February among weak market returns for bonds, equities and commodities. We continue to demonstrate better capital preservation in recent months than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we still believe to be a risky market for investing too fully in risk assets.

We still continue to see that inflation is an issue over the medium term, while real economic growth will likely remain weak given current monetary policy settings. We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 still sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact being priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for some precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. Currently, capital preservation and prudent diversification are most important in our view in what is a volatile market month to month. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs.   Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher-risk assets on the basis of our insights and research while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given our outlook.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers who tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: January 2023

By Jerome Lander | Feb 17, 2023 9:21:56 AM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had gains in all portfolios along with stronger markets in January. We have demonstrated better capital preservation in recent months than many, as we are emphasising genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we still believe to be a risky and uncertain market for investing.  

We continue to believe that inflation is a lingering issue, while real economic growth will remain weak given monetary policy settings. We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 still sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact being priced into markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry. We will remain fleet of foot, and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets. Currently, capital preservation and prudent diversification is most important in our view. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter-term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter-term liquidity needs.   Higher cash rates have improved the prospective returns for these portfolios.

Our more medium and longer-term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer-term time periods in mind. The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher-risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation. There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves, but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now, given our outlook.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons. This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed. In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers which tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what has happened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually. We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long-term real productivity growth for much of the world economy. This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity. The increasing risk of major conflicts gives further credence to our concerns. We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value-adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute, flexible and highly risk-aware in an ever-changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of our research effort and the volatility, uncertainty and irrationality of markets to add value to the portfolios through time.

Portfolio Manager Commentary: December 2022

By Jerome Lander | Jan 25, 2023 3:10:22 PM | investment portfolios, portfolio management

We had a flat month in most of our longer-term portfolios in the face of weak markets in December, while our shorter-term portfolios made gains. This was a good result in part due to our conviction precious metals position (which is now being more widely adopted) and low equity weighting.  We have demonstrated better capital preservation in recent months than many, as we are emphasizing genuine diversification at a portfolio level and keeping our positioning conservative in what we still believe to be a risky and uncertain market for investing.  

We continue to believe that over the medium-term inflation pressures will remain volatile despite receding for now, while real economic growth will remain weak given a relative paucity of productive investment and large debt loads for many economies.  We are still very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity.  We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk aware in an ever changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate.

2023 sees the risk of an economic and earnings recession and its attendant impact on markets as persistent central bank tightening and structural challenges impact markets with a lag.

Given our outlook, we see the need for precious metals and selective commodities such as energy and resources allocations in portfolios and a more diversified approach than what is commonly relied upon by our industry.  We will remain fleet of foot, and look at judiciously increasing equity and credit exposures sometime in 2023 if we ascertain a more favourable valuation and outlook for these assets.  Currently capital preservation and prudent diversification is most important in our view. 

Our Cash Plus portfolio is defensively positioned, while our Short-Term portfolio is relatively defensive, with both designed to be less volatile over shorter term time periods than our longer duration portfolios – while being designed for shorter term liquidity needs.    

Our more medium and longer term orientated portfolios target returns and manage risk with longer term time periods in mind.  The Wealth Builder’s larger risk tolerance gives us most leeway to back higher risk assets on the basis of our insights and research, while still managing risk prudently over a longer-term time frame through dynamic asset allocation.  There is significant scope here to increase equity positioning in coming months as opportunities present themselves but we are relatively conservatively positioned for now given our outlook.

Dynamic Asset’s portfolios are designed to be diversified, but focus on investing where return prospects are assessed as capable of meeting the return objectives of the funds over their respective time horizons.  This diversification provides useful mitigation against risk over the appropriate time period consistent with each portfolio’s objective, while our active assessment of risk and return can target capital to where it appears most prospectively and appropriately placed.  In this way, we believe we are much more forward-looking than most diversified managers which tend to be much more biased to industry peers and what hashappened (for example, by relying more upon static weightings, past returns, correlations and volatility - which we believe are markedly different from today’s conditions). 

We are better diversified than many portfolios because we hold meaningful weightings to alternatives and ‘hard assets’ in different guises, and expect these to provide valuable return and risk diversification over time in our portfolio context, even if they are occasionally volatile individually.  We believe large and unsustainable debt burdens, demographics, poor government policies and market interference continue to strangle long term real productivity growth for much of the world economy.  This potentially bodes relatively poorly for traditional risk assets and index investing, upon which most traditional investment strategies and super funds are heavily dependent. 

We are very concerned by geopolitical risks and the massive challenges to the previous period of globalisation and peaceful prosperity.  The increasing risk of major conflicts give further credence to our concerns.  We think investors are best served by researching thoroughly and thinking more broadly and outside the box in order to better protect and grow their capital, including potentially greater use of selectively chosen value adding liquid alternatives, along with precious metals exposures and greater weightings to real asset proxies. 

We aim to remain astute and flexible and highly risk aware in an ever changing and potentially highly challenging investment climate, and will continue to look to take advantage of the volatility, uncertainty and fear to add value to the portfolios through time.


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