There’s a problem. Investors are not getting the risk-adjusted results they should. They’re exposed to too much investment risk that comes from a reliance on outdated theories and institutional approaches. The conventional approach is not centred on what individuals need from their investments.
Because the management of investments is not aligned with individual goals, the real risk to the investor is not achieving their investment goals. The consequences of which can be life-changing.
Now there is a choice. Dynamic Asset uses an active investment management approach called
It’s time for a better way. It starts with Dynamic Asset. We can help you talk to a leading independent financial adviser who knows how it works.
The traditional approach to determine where to invest your superannuation and other investments
The goals-based investment approach used by Dynamic Asset actively manages portfolios to achieve specific outcomes, be it cash flow, risk or return. The aim is to obtain significantly higher probabilities that an investor will meet their goals through a less volatile investment growth trajectory.
Dynamic Asset invests to help meet the individual needs of every investor. Everyone’s needs are different. They can include growing capital, planning the timing of milestones such as retirement and managing the level of real risk that you’re exposed to, so your capital is protected.
We manage investments with the aim of taking the least volatile path towards the achievement of your goals. We do this by looking forward – considering short-term and long-term economic cycles, trends and investment category performance. Each investment type is continuously monitored and adjusted to maximise performance according to your needs.
Since inception, Dynamic Asset has delivered market-leading risk-adjusted returns. Our results have been delivered with consistently lower levels of investment volatility and correlation to traditional markets and investment options.
Put simply, Dynamic Asset is delivering ‘true to label’ goals-based investment portfolios - and that’s what every investor should expect.
If you’re like the vast majority of Australians who have superannuation or managed investments, you’re likely to be working towards a financial goal.
Dynamic Asset is the solution you’ve been waiting for. By working with your financial adviser to set your financial goals, the adviser can build investment portfolios that are aimed specifically towards those goals. You’ll be able to see if you are on track to achieving your goals and be given the information you need to fully understand where you’re at.
There is nothing more reassuring than knowing where you stand, in the knowledge that your investments are professionally managed for you.
Gaining value for money from managed investments is a topical subject. We all want to know that we are receiving the service and results we expect.
The active investment approach used by Dynamic Asset provides the basis of better value by delivering strong risk-adjusted returns. High targeted returns with lower volatility adds-up.
Everything Dynamic Asset does is to help improve the outcomes for investors on an after-fee basis. It’s not about a headline rate; it’s about what you take home.
For example, Dynamic Asset uses its purchasing power to negotiate lower fund manager fees and then passes that back entirely to each investor.
Through good independent financial advisers who use their planning skills efficiently and effectively, you can get amazing value for money, which could make all the difference to you or your family.
Dynamic Asset Consulting Pty Limited (ABN 67164 408 191) AFS Licence No: 502623. © Copyright 2018 by Dynamic Asset Consulting Pty Limited - All rights reserved. No reprinting, publication, extracting of copy or any other redistribution of this website content is permissible without the prior consent of Dynamic Asset Consulting Pty Limited.